Jan Konings Perspectives of Introverted Expansions in Antwerp

A selection of introverted expansions in the urban fabric of Antwerp.

Antwerp has a variety of utilitarian and residential projects that -during growth of the city- have nestled in the hidden block interiors. On the one hand, the empty interiors offered necessary space to the growing city that was trapped within its constricting city walls. On the other hand, they offered space for public functions that, due to a lack of building land directly on the street, wanted to establish themselves centrally in the city (Handelsbeurs 1531).

Jan Konings Morphological map of Antwerp

The morphological plan of Antwerp shows the introverted expansions within both the 16th and 19th century citywalls.

Jan Konings Overview of Introverted Expansions

The projects within the building blocks have a wide range in scale and function. From houses to apartment buildings and from churches to a military hospital.

Jan Konings Transformation scheme of the Handelsbeurs

The Handelsbeurs: the schemes over time clearly show the morphological transformation of the block in relation to its new inner public function.


Jan Konings Interior of the Handelsbeurs

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